MIDIH has been invited to present the MIDH project at the General Assembly of the Anella Industrial


MIDIH has been invited to present  the MIDH project and its aims in DIH and in the I4MS program at the General Assembly of the Anella Industrial next 23 February in Barcelona. The General Assembly of the Anella Industrial (Industry 4.0 in Catalonia) will take place at the Palacio Macaya, and we will have two very interesting presentations:

  1. Daniel Marco, Director of SmartCAT of the Telecommunications Secretary (STCSD) will talk about Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in Catalonia
  2. Sergio Gusmeroli, research coordinator of the Politecnico di Milano, under the theme Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe: the H2020 I4MS initiative will present different European projects that make up the ecosystem DIH.