Webinar on May 14th at 14: Implementing Data Sovereignty in Manufacturing Industry DIHs: the MIDIH project


Implementing Data Sovereignty in Manufacturing Industry DIHs: the MIDIH project


    The Manufacturing Industry digital transformation depends on the availability and uptake of secure, energy-efficient, affordable and high-quality data processing capacities, such as those offered by cloud infrastructures and services, both in data centers and at the edge. In this perspective, the EU support A Common European industrial (manufacturing) data space, to support the competitiveness and performance of the EU’s industry, allowing to capture the potential value of use of non-personal data in manufacturing (estimated at € 1,5 trillion by 2027).  (EU Data Strategy communication from COM (2020) 66 19/2/2020).

    MIDIH (Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hubs) is a Factories of the Future project aiming at realizing services to support the ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs.

    The MIDIH project’s assets have been all inspired by data-orientation and the need for secure and trusted B2B data exchanges: the one stop shop marketplace for a network of DIHs providing innovative and collaborative services to their ecosystem, the Data services one of them, the MIDIH Open Platform is based on BDVA Reference Model extended with Data Sovereignty, the MIDIH industrial pilots in the supply chain scenarios, many of the OCs application experiments in the textile, energy, automotive & chemical sectors.

    The aim of the workshop is to provide concrete evidence of the implementation of Data Sovereignty in a DIH-orientedH2020 Innovation Action such as MIDIH.

    MIDIH has developed a platform that facilitate data to be shared across companies to improves products & enable innovative services. Two uses case in the supply chain will be discussed.

    The IDSA community will be involved in understanding how MIDIH and its Reference Architecture platform (implementing an IDS connector) has push forward the IDSA architecture and has managed the Data Sovereignty challenges for the Industrial world.


    The workshop is organized in three main sessions. Follow the agenda

    Moderated Discussion (and/or online polls results comments) Sergio Gusmeroli


    A video registration of the workshop will be recorded (after consent of the attendants)

    Presentations will be available for all attendants and a short report of the session will be circulated



    14:00-14:02         Introduction to the Webinar and speakers (Natalia Simon)

    14:02-14:07       Introduction and aims of the Workshop – MIDIH General overview (Susanne Kuehrer)

    14:07-14:20        Data-driven Architecture for Manufacturing Industry (Jesus Benedicto)

    14:20-14:40        Industrial Pilots implementing Data Sovereignty scenarios (Sebastian Steinbuss)

    14:40-15:00       Data Sovereignty challenges faced in Manufacturing DIHs: the experience of two European       Manufacturing DIHs focused on data-driven services and spreading the benefits of data sovereignty (Lis-Ann Sheahan/Emanuel Skubowius)

    15:00-15:10        Q&A (Sergio Gusmeroli)

    15:10-15:12        Closure of the Webinar (Natalia Simon)